Query Metrics

4 Database Queries
4 Different statements
149.17 ms Query time
0 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 25.68 ms
SELECT a0_.id AS id_0, a0_.email AS email_1, a0_.phone_number AS phone_number_2, a0_.password AS password_3, a0_.roles AS roles_4, a0_.lastname AS lastname_5, a0_.firstname AS firstname_6, a0_.created_at AS created_at_7, a0_.registration_source AS registration_source_8, a0_.honorific_prefix AS honorific_prefix_9, a0_.reset_token AS reset_token_10, a0_.reset_token_expiration_date AS reset_token_expiration_date_11, a0_.uniq_id AS uniq_id_12, a0_.code_confirmation AS code_confirmation_13, a0_.updated_at AS updated_at_14, a0_.is_active AS is_active_15 FROM app_users a0_ WHERE a0_.email = ? OR a0_.phone_number = ?
2 2.70 ms
SELECT DISTINCT o0_.id AS id_0, o0_.id AS id_1 FROM organization o0_ LEFT JOIN document d1_ ON o0_.id = d1_.organization_id AND ((d1_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT' AND d1_.signed_by = 'SIGNED_CLIENT') OR (d1_.type IN (?) AND d1_.status = 'TO_APPROVE')) LEFT JOIN document d2_ ON o0_.id = d2_.organization_id AND (d2_.organization_id = o0_.id AND d2_.type IN (?) AND (d2_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' OR d2_.status IS NULL)) LEFT JOIN organization_legal_representative o4_ ON o0_.id = o4_.organization_id LEFT JOIN legal_representative l3_ ON l3_.id = o4_.legal_representative_id LEFT JOIN person p5_ ON l3_.person_id = p5_.id LEFT JOIN document d6_ ON p5_.id = d6_.person_id AND (d6_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d6_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') LEFT JOIN legal_representative l7_ ON l3_.id = l7_.parent_id LEFT JOIN person p8_ ON l7_.person_id = p8_.id LEFT JOIN document d9_ ON p8_.id = d9_.person_id AND (d9_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d9_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') WHERE o0_.status IN (?) AND (d1_.id IS NOT NULL OR (d6_.id IS NOT NULL OR d9_.id IS NOT NULL)) AND l3_.quality <> ? GROUP BY o0_.id ORDER BY o0_.id DESC LIMIT 12
3 5.64 ms
SELECT o0_.id AS id_0, o0_.legal_name AS legal_name_1, o0_.email AS email_2, o0_.created_at AS created_at_3, o0_.status AS status_4, COUNT(DISTINCT d1_.id) AS sclr_5, COUNT(DISTINCT d2_.id) AS sclr_6, COUNT(DISTINCT d3_.id) AS sclr_7, o0_.head_quarters_address_type AS head_quarters_address_type_8, (SELECT MAX(d4_.id) AS sclr_10 FROM document d4_ WHERE d4_.organization_id = o0_.id AND (d4_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT') AND (d4_.signed_by <> 'BOTH')) AS sclr_9, (SELECT COUNT(d5_.id) AS sclr_12 FROM document d5_ WHERE d5_.organization_id = o0_.id AND (d5_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT')) AS sclr_11, (SELECT MAX(d6_.signed_by) AS sclr_14 FROM document d6_ WHERE d6_.organization_id = o0_.id AND (d6_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT')) AS sclr_13 FROM organization o0_ LEFT JOIN document d7_ ON o0_.id = d7_.organization_id AND ((d7_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT' AND d7_.signed_by = 'SIGNED_CLIENT') OR (d7_.type IN (?) AND d7_.status = 'TO_APPROVE')) LEFT JOIN document d3_ ON o0_.id = d3_.organization_id AND (d3_.organization_id = o0_.id AND d3_.type IN (?) AND (d3_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' OR d3_.status IS NULL)) LEFT JOIN organization_legal_representative o9_ ON o0_.id = o9_.organization_id LEFT JOIN legal_representative l8_ ON l8_.id = o9_.legal_representative_id LEFT JOIN person p10_ ON l8_.person_id = p10_.id LEFT JOIN document d1_ ON p10_.id = d1_.person_id AND (d1_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d1_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') LEFT JOIN legal_representative l11_ ON l8_.id = l11_.parent_id LEFT JOIN person p12_ ON l11_.person_id = p12_.id LEFT JOIN document d2_ ON p12_.id = d2_.person_id AND (d2_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d2_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') WHERE o0_.status IN (?) AND (d7_.id IS NOT NULL OR (d1_.id IS NOT NULL OR d2_.id IS NOT NULL)) AND l8_.quality <> ? AND o0_.id IN (?) GROUP BY o0_.id ORDER BY o0_.id DESC
4 115.16 ms
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT o0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM organization o0_ LEFT JOIN document d1_ ON o0_.id = d1_.organization_id AND ((d1_.type = 'DOMICILIATION_CONTRACT' AND d1_.signed_by = 'SIGNED_CLIENT') OR (d1_.type IN (?) AND d1_.status = 'TO_APPROVE')) LEFT JOIN document d2_ ON o0_.id = d2_.organization_id AND (d2_.organization_id = o0_.id AND d2_.type IN (?) AND (d2_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' OR d2_.status IS NULL)) LEFT JOIN organization_legal_representative o4_ ON o0_.id = o4_.organization_id LEFT JOIN legal_representative l3_ ON l3_.id = o4_.legal_representative_id LEFT JOIN person p5_ ON l3_.person_id = p5_.id LEFT JOIN document d6_ ON p5_.id = d6_.person_id AND (d6_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d6_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') LEFT JOIN legal_representative l7_ ON l3_.id = l7_.parent_id LEFT JOIN person p8_ ON l7_.person_id = p8_.id LEFT JOIN document d9_ ON p8_.id = d9_.person_id AND (d9_.status = 'TO_APPROVE' AND d9_.type <> 'POSTAL_POWER_OF_ATTORNEY') WHERE o0_.status IN (?) AND (d1_.id IS NOT NULL OR (d6_.id IS NOT NULL OR d9_.id IS NOT NULL)) AND l3_.quality <> ? GROUP BY o0_.id

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Product No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Invoice No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Subscription No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\SubscriptionModel No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Organization No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\User No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Store No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\LegalRepresentative No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Person No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\PappersActivityLogWrapper No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\CreditNote No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Quote No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\UserUTM No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Lead No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\ActivityLog No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\CommercialGesture No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\ActivityDomain No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\ActivitySubdomain No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\ProfessionDetail No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\ProfessionType No errors.
Evo\Infrastructure\MappingORM\Document No errors.